

Create your local cluster

NOTE: if you prefer to opt for a one-command installation, you can refer to the notes on how to use just and the project's justfile here.

  1. Start by adding the helm repositories that are required to proceed with the installation.
helm repo add fleet
helm repo update
  1. Create the local cluster
kind create cluster --config testdata/kind-config.yaml
  1. Install fleet and specify the API_SERVER_URL and CA.
# We start by retrieving the CA data from the cluster
kubectl config view -o json --raw | jq -r '.clusters[] | select(.name=="kind-dev").cluster["certificate-authority-data"]' | base64 -d > _out/ca.pem
# Set the API server URL
API_SERVER_URL=`kubectl config view -o json --raw | jq -r '.clusters[] | select(.name=="kind-dev").cluster["server"]'`
# And proceed with the installation via helm
helm -n cattle-fleet-system install --version v0.12.0-beta.1 --create-namespace --wait fleet-crd fleet/fleet-crd
helm install --create-namespace --version v0.12.0-beta.1 -n cattle-fleet-system --set apiServerURL=$API_SERVER_URL --set-file apiServerCA=_out/ca.pem fleet fleet/fleet --wait
  1. Install CAPI with the required experimental features enabled and initialized the Docker provider for testing.
EXP_CLUSTER_RESOURCE_SET=true CLUSTER_TOPOLOGY=true clusterctl init -i docker -a rancher-fleet

Wait for all pods to become ready and your cluster should be ready to use CAAPF!

Create your downstream cluster

In order to initiate CAAPF autoimport, a CAPI Cluster needs to be created.

To create one, we can either follow quickstart documentation or create a cluster from existing template.

kubectl apply -f testdata/capi-quickstart.yaml

For more advanced cluster import strategy, check the configuration section.

Remember that you can follow along with the video demo to install the provider and get started quickly.