- helm
- CAPI management cluster.
- Features
must be enabled. - clusterctl.
- Features
Create your local cluster
NOTE: if you prefer to opt for a one-command installation, you can refer to the notes on how to use
and the project'sjustfile
- Start by adding the helm repositories that are required to proceed with the installation.
helm repo add fleet
helm repo update
- Create the local cluster
kind create cluster --config testdata/kind-config.yaml
- Install fleet and specify the
and CA.
# We start by retrieving the CA data from the cluster
kubectl config view -o json --raw | jq -r '.clusters[] | select(.name=="kind-dev").cluster["certificate-authority-data"]' | base64 -d > _out/ca.pem
# Set the API server URL
API_SERVER_URL=`kubectl config view -o json --raw | jq -r '.clusters[] | select(.name=="kind-dev").cluster["server"]'`
# And proceed with the installation via helm
helm -n cattle-fleet-system install --version v0.12.0-beta.1 --create-namespace --wait fleet-crd fleet/fleet-crd
helm install --create-namespace --version v0.12.0-beta.1 -n cattle-fleet-system --set apiServerURL=$API_SERVER_URL --set-file apiServerCA=_out/ca.pem fleet fleet/fleet --wait
- Install CAPI with the required experimental features enabled and initialized the Docker provider for testing.
EXP_CLUSTER_RESOURCE_SET=true CLUSTER_TOPOLOGY=true clusterctl init -i docker -a rancher-fleet
Wait for all pods to become ready and your cluster should be ready to use CAAPF!
Create your downstream cluster
In order to initiate CAAPF autoimport, a CAPI
Cluster needs to be created.
To create one, we can either follow quickstart documentation or create a cluster from existing template.
kubectl apply -f testdata/capi-quickstart.yaml
For more advanced cluster import strategy, check the configuration section.
Remember that you can follow along with the video demo to install the provider and get started quickly.