Templating strategy

The Cluster API Addon Provider Fleet automates application templating for imported CAPI clusters based on matching cluster state.


The Addon Provider Fleet ensures that the state of a CAPI cluster and resources is always up-to-date in the spec.templateValues.ClusterValues field of the Fleet cluster resource. This allows users to:

  • Reference specific parts of CAPI cluster directly or via Helm substitution patterns referencing .ClusterValues.Cluster data.
  • Substiture based on the state of the control plane resource via .ClusterValues.ControlPlane field.
  • Substiture based on the state of the infrastructure cluster resource via .ClusterValues.InfrastructureCluster field.
  • Maintain a consistent application state across different clusters.
  • Use the same template for multiple matching clusters to simplify deployment and management.

Example - templating withing HelmApp

-> Installing Calico