Build requirements

Building prerequisites

Installing required dependencies for local build

To get requirements installed locally, run:

$> make deps

or you need:

Note: Running make deps will install only luet, luet-makeiso, yq and jq. squashfs-tools and xorriso needs to be provided by the OS.

Manually install dependencies

To install luet locally, you can also run as root:

# curl | sh

or build luet from source).

You can find more luet components in the official Luet repository.


elemental comes with cOS-toolkit and can be installed with luet locally:

$> luet install -y toolchain/elemental-cli

You can also grab the binary from elemental releases.

yq and jq

yq (version 4.x) and jq are used to retrieve the list of packages to build in order to produce the final ISOs. Those are not strictly required, see the Note below.

They are installable with:

$> luet install -y utils/jq toolchain/yq

Note: yq and jq are just used to generate the list of packages to build, and you don’t need to have them installed if you manually specify the packages to be compiled.

Last modified May 6, 2022 : Skip generating docs (d29a239)